Defiant Returns To Newcastle In June
Loaded on June 1st, before the 4th annual Built To Destroy on June 29th.
One week after the 3rd annual No Regrets (tickets still available from EventBrite), Defiant Wrestling will be taping 4 episodes of their weekly Loaded show on June 1st, featuring 'The Bastard' PAC (aka WWE's Neville). Then, on June 29th, Defiant presents the 4th annual Built To Destroy, their biggest show of the year!
Loaded Taping, June 1st:
The fallout from the previous weeks No Regrets, the build to Built To Destroy, and the return of The Bastard, Newcastle's own PAC will be the main focus of this taping, with tickets available from:
Event Info & Ticket Prices:
The taping is set to take place at Northumbria Students Union, with an earlier than usual start time of 3pm.
Doors will start opening at 2:30pm, with the show scheduled for a 6:30pm approx finish.
Customers who have access requirements should contact us in advance so that we are able to best accommodate you at our shows, at [email protected] ahead of purchase.
No refunds, except in the event of cancellation.
All shows are 8+ and under 14s must be accompanied.
This event will be filmed for broadcast online, by purchasing a ticket you acknowledge and agree that you may be filmed.
Wrestlers will also be available at their respective merch tables where photos/autographs/tshirts will be available for additional fees.
Tickets are available at £16 standing, and £23 seating.
On The Card:
PAC (aka Neville)
Rampage, Defiant World Champion
Joe Hendry
Lana Austin
SCC (Kelly Sixx & Ashley Dunn), Defiant Tag Team Champions
Lizzy Styles, Defiant Women's Champion
Team WhiteWolf (Carlos Romo & A-Kid)
Simon Miller
No Fun Dunne, Defiant No Fun Champion
Anti-Fun Police (HT Drake & Los Federales Super Santos Jr)
MANY more yet to be announced
Built To Destroy iPPV, June 29th:
Following on from the previous Loaded taping, Newcastle will receive their first iPPV of the year with the 4th annual Built To Destroy, the headline show of Defiant Wrestling, with tickets available from EventBrite.
Event Info & Ticket Prices:
The taping is set to take place at Northumbria Students Union, with a start time of 7pm.
Doors will start opening at 6pm for first row and season ticket holders, and 6:30pm for main doors. The show is scheduled for a 10pm approx finish.
Customers who have access requirements should contact us in advance so that we are able to best accommodate you at our shows at [email protected] ahead of purchase.
No refunds, except in the event of cancellation.
All shows are 8+ and under 14s must be accompanied.
This event will be filmed for broadcast online, by purchasing a ticket you acknowledge and agree that you may be filmed.
Wrestlers will also be available at their respective merch tables where photos/autographs/tshirts will be available for additional fees.
Tickets are available for:
Row 1: £32.50 (includes early entry)
Row 2: £20
Row 3: £18
General Admission (Row 4+ or standing): £16
Seated tickets in rows 1, 2 and 3 must sit in the assigned seat.
On The Card:
We can confirm that the winner of the No Regrets Rumble will take on the Defiant World or Women's Champion.
Talent announcements will be made nearer the time, but expect to see many of your Defiant favourites!
Tickets for both shows, as well as the upcoming No Regrets show are available via
If you would like to watch any of our old shows or any of our upcoming iPPVs, you can watch them at with a limited time 30 day free trial for new customers